step 1: Open the following url in any browser
step 2: The page will be as shown below.
step 2: The page will be as shown below.
A blog containing Salesforce coding examples in detail.It's a place where you can find solutions to the problems that you may face in your daily salesforce coding. Apex classes,visual force page,we services,Integration,plugins,extensions,Lightning web components,Aura components,Email Messages,Sales cloud,service Cloud,Marketing Cloud.Lightning Web components,, Salesforce Tips and Tricks,short cuts,ApexMocks,Stubs, visibility,Salesforce Shorts
public with sharing class GroupBy{ public List<account> accounts {get;set;} public Account ac {get;set;} public String[] states {get;set;} id x; public GroupBy() { ac = [ select Name FROM Account
WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];; } public id getQuantity1() { return x; } public void load() { List<String> lstPickvals=new List<String>(); Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult =
account.active__c.getDescribe(); List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple =fieldResult.getPicklistValues(); system.debug('....'+ple ); for (Schema.PicklistEntry a:ple ){//forall values in picklist list lstPickvals.add(a.getValue());//add value to our final list } system.debug('....'+lstPickvals); // for demo purposes limit the states accounts = [Select ID, Name,active__c From account Where Active__c IN: lstPickvals]; // dynamically create set of unique states from query Set<String> stateSet = new Set<String>(); for (account a : accounts) stateSet.add(a.Active__c); // convert the set into a string array states = new String[stateSet.size()]; Integer i = 0; for (String state : stateSet) { states[i] = state; i++; } } }
The code for visualforce page:
<apex:page controller="GroupBy" action="{!load}" sidebar="false"> <apex:sectionHeader title="My Sample Display Page"
subtitle="Group by picklist field value" description=
"shows how you can dynamically group results by field value."/> <apex:repeat value="{!states}" var="state"> <apex:pageBlock title="{!state}"> <apex:repeat value="{!accounts}" var="account">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(state=account.Active__c,true,false)}"> {!account.Name} - {!account.Active__c}<br/> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:repeat> {x} </apex:page>
When we run the visualforce page with accountid,
the output will be as follows
.rowColor {
var pRow='';
function highlightElem(a) {
var c=a.className;
// alert(c);
else {
if(pRow.innerHTML!=a.innerHTML) {
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="r" onRowClick="highlightElem(this)" >
<apex:column value="{!r.Name}" />
<apex:column value="{!r.Phone}" />
<apex:column value="{!r.Type}" />