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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to delete multiple records at a time after verifing required data in each record salesforce

How to delete multiple records at a time after verifing required data in each record salesforce

Problem: I need to verify data in couple of fields of a record and then need to delete those records if data is not as expected.
If I need to open each record in salesforce and then delete one by one,it's very time consuming.
Solution: Open Developer Console and then go to Query Editor as shown in the image below.
In my scenario,I need to verify the lead records and then delete them.
So I wrote the following query and then click 'Execute' to display the results.
Select id,name,company from Lead
Now I can verify data in each record and then select the required records.Once records are selected,click on 'Delete Row' button to delete those records.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Calculate your age or how old are you? - Salesforce Globe For You

Calculate Age:In order to know how old are you,please click the link below and check
Age Calculator

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